Windows Mobile 5.0 AKU 3.3 Improved performance

HTC TytnI’ve purchased last year a Swisscom XPA v1605 (HTC TyTN, HERMES or Qtek 9600) PocketPC Phone. It’s a PocketPC sized phone that supports GSM & UMTS communications. It came with Windows Mobile 5.0 and had a few Service provider installed applications (F-Secure Anti-Virus, TomTom Navigator 5 for Switzerland, SBB Timetable) and the Swisscom Mobile Assistant tools. While the phone looked good, I have not been too happy about the performance of the user interface. Additional programs like the SPB Pocket Plus also gave me lots trouble, and the worse, was the high quanity of missed calls.Swisscom has made available on their support pages an upgrate to Windows Mobile 5.0 AKU 3.3 (Update V2.08.170.1). After having installed the memory card software for the XPA v1605 on a brand new 2GB MicroSD, I upgraded the Swisscom XPA v1605 to the latest firmware version. I added the two excellent versions of SPB Pocket Plus and SPB Diary.

The result is a Windows Mobile 5.0 device that feels a lot more snappy at usage, faster loading, using smaller memory footprint and supports the latest Direct Push Technology from Microsoft.

Warning: A small note for SPB Backup users, the backup created on the previous version of Windows Mobile 5.0 didn’t load up properly under AKU 3.3, I had to retrieve all my original contacts from an old Outlook contact list.

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